Sunday, April 4, 2010


Do you know there are sites that willing to pay you for clicking their advertisers ads? Do you know that it is also free to sign up with them? yes they are PTC sites literally pay per click sites. There are lot of ways and websites which offer lot of works in online and offer some amount of money to join. The sites which need some amount to join and ensure of earning a huge money within a short pan are all scams out there in online.

There are few things that you need before joining any site, Internet Connection and one PC at home. You can do this from cyber cafe but preferable internet connection and PC of your own at home, An E-mail Account, A Place to put you Cash Outs [Payment Processor] and a Site to Earn your Money.
This is the most important site and step to get money from your ptc sites. They are paypal and Alertpay in order to earn money from ptc sites you first create account in any one or in two of this sites. Totally they work as the online banking system.

From this sites you can earn up to 100$ per month by spending very short time and also i would like emphasis that it is not quick rich programs. Here i could include some benefits about ptc sites.

  • Minimum requirement of your time (you can earn over 10$ a day yourself, with no referrals or something else)
  • Fast earning especially if you have referrals ( and especially if you have referrals you can make just tons and tons. Personally I know people who earn 250$ a day with PTC)
  • Ability to earn without referrals (you don't have to refer anyone if you want make money online)
  • No obligation to give away your address/name, all you have to give is your email (this means you are 100% safe from spam and scam)
  • High referral bonuses ( you are able to learn money referring your friends, and referral commissions are sometimes are high as 100%)
  • Get paid fast (NET 20 Payments apply) to your PayPal or AlertPay account.
 As per my knowledge and with working experience i can tell you some very important and legit paying sites out here. if you have any doubt over me of this sites then you simply type the site name and investigation then you will surly get clear idea and fact about that sites.
         This site otherwise called as king of ptc sites so you can join with this site confidently.
 6. BUXP 
 7. TREKPAY        
 8. GAGABUX   
              And here by i assure you and all the best to earn money from those legit sites. Please just sign up from the banner that shown site's left hand side.

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there is no specification about me to say here i also just a normal guy i play my game on this world